Friday, November 14, 2014

Mixed Media Angel Wings

Mixed Media Angel Wings

I was in the mood to make something romantic and fluttery with neutrals and gold. Which was a bit odd for me because Gold is usually not my favorite metallic. I just LOVE how these turned out. Here is what I did.

  • First I drew as big of a wing as I could on 1/2 of an 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper, then I copied a mirror image of it and drew a bridge between the two. She ended up being about 8" wide by 7.5ish" tall.
  • I cut out tiny feathers. Some with rounded tips and others with pointy tips. I cut them out of burlap, linen fabric, book page paper and white card stock
  • Using a picture of realistic looking angel wings as a reference for placement ( I found online) I started at the bottom and worked my way up gluing them on with hot glue. I used the same size feathers for the top that I did the bottom. I just spaced them more closely together toward the top. Be sure to only glue to top portion of your feather so you get a more 3D look to your wings.
  • Next I added white acrylic paint accents and Ranger Heirloom Gold Perfect Pearls Mist using a brush instead of the mister.
  • Finally I finished it off with some Heirloom Gold on some crumpled Ribbon and adorned her with some bling.

I also added ribbon to the back for hanging. It is so hard to capture the sparkle of the Heirloom Gold on camera. She is so beautiful in person. I am so in LOVE with her! Hope you enjoyed my post.


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